Coppée, François
François Edouard Joachim Coppée (1842 – 1908) was a French poet and novelist famed as le poète des humbles (the poet of the humble). His verse and prose focus on plain expressions of emotion, patriotism, the joy of young love, and the pitifulness of the poor. Wikipedia
Corneille, Pierre
Pierre Corneille (1606 – 1684) was a French tragedian. He is generally considered one of the three great seventeenth-century French dramatists, along with Molière and Racine. Wikipedia
Craigher de Jachelutta, Jakob Nikolaus
Jakob (Jacob) Nikolaus Craigher de Jachelutta (1797 – 1855) was an Austrian poet and translator remembered today for his association with Franz Schubert. Wikipedia-DE
Cros, Charles
Charles Cros or Émile-Hortensius-Charles Cros (1842 – 1888) was a French poet and inventor. Cros was a well-regarded poet and humorous writer. Wikipedia
Dahn, Felix
Felix Dahn (1834 – 1912) was a German law professor, German nationalist author, poet and historian. Wikipedia
Daumer, Georg Friedrich
Georg Friedrich Daumer (1800 – 1875) was a German poet and philosopher. He was educated at the gymnasium of his native city, at that time directed by the famous philosopher Hegel. In 1817 he entered the University of Erlangen as a student of theology, but abandoned that study for philosophy. Wikipedia
Dauphin, Léopold
Léopold Dauphin (1847 – 1925) a German violinist and poet.