IPA Source is a library database intended as a support resource in foreign language diction classes and class and private voice lessons. For those who do not have access to this resource through their school library, the database is available to individuals through single sales and subscription access.
In accordance with tax law, IPA Source does not collect state sales tax on purchases originating in states where we do not have Economic Nexus and / or remote seller Notice and Reporting requirements. If sales tax has not been added at the time of purchase, you may still be liable for state sales tax in the form of a Use Tax to be reported on your personal state income tax form; please consult your state tax laws for further information. Since IPA Source provides a purely digital product to be accessed directly from our website, the purchaser’s state of origin is their billing address.
The copyright for all documents distributed on this site is owned by IPA Source. All materials contained herein are intended for the sole use of the registered customers of IPA Source. Source texts are not to be saved to disk or printed; copying of the text (cut and paste) is not permitted. The material may not be included in or bundled with any product in the print or electronic medium without specific written permission or retained for redistribution. Additionally, no compilation for sale or at-cost distribution through any means is permitted without prior written permission by the author. The user may not modify the documents in any way except to the extent necessary to make them perceptible to persons with disabilities. IPA Source retains the copyright and ownership of all material found on this site and reserves the right to restrict its use and distribution at any time. IPA Source’s original translations and transcriptions are based on texts taken from the public domain. In all cases, the web address and credit to the author should be given when the material is used at public venues. Links to the site are permitted without consultation.
Access to IPA Source is granted to authorized users through a “User ID.” For the individual user, this is their a unique email address and password combination; for the institutional customer, this is their proxy server login credentials or specific IP location. All authorized users of IPA Source are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their login credentials. Disclosure of the User ID to an unauthorized person is grounds for account suspension. The authorized user is solely responsible for any and all financial losses we may suffer as a result of the failure to maintain the confidentiality of their User ID.
The publisher provides the product “as is” and makes no representation or warranty and expressly disclaims any liability for any claim arising from or out of the purchased products, including but not limited to any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or defects contained therein, and any implied or expressed warranty as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
IPA Source, LLC is committed to making our website and texts accessible to all. While our user base is global, we focus on the U.S. accessibility guidelines of the Americans With Disabilities Act.
As part of this effort, the IPA Source site adheres to the most recent HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Java coding standards and practices. Our sample texts are provided in Adobe Acrobat format, using the latest available version of the software. Purchased texts are available for viewing within a browser window.
The purpose of our site and service is to promote the comprehension and accurate pronunciation of foreign language texts in art song and opera through the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), a strictly visual phonetic representation of sound. This visual rendering is presented through the use of the Sil Sophia IPA9 font for which there is no screen reader equivalent. Furthermore, in addition to the IPA font, all our texts contain multiple languages (the original language of the text with English translations). Since text norms allow only one reading language to be set, even with proper tagging our texts remain unsuitable for the visually impaired.
At IPA Source we believe the best practice in learning pronunciation for the visually impaired is through listening and imitation of the sound. Since sound recordings of texts is not the purpose of our site, we offer our visually impaired subscribers help finding single language, reader-compatible copies of the texts contained in this site upon request.
The information gathered through the above processes is combined into a single Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). This VPAT lists where a product complies, partially complies, or does not comply with accessibility guidelines. Request our VPAT by contacting us here.
For more on Accessibility, please click here.
The input of the original language texts comes from internet sources, printed texts, and vocal scores. The IPA transcriptions are original to the site and follow the guidelines set forth in Diction Help. In some cases, outside resources have been consulted for poetic clarification in the creation of the word-for-word and poetic translations, but, ultimately, all translations are original.
Bard Suverkrop
IPA Source, LLC