IPA Source strongly opposes the unauthorized use and piracy of our copyrighted materials, including under the guise of Fair Use.
Fair Use is a complex legal doctrine intended to balance the rights of copyright holders with the public interest in accessing and using copyrighted works. However, Fair Use does not justify the wholesale copying and distribution of our materials. Examples of potential misuse of our materials:
- Placing our content, in whole or in part, in a library management system such as, but not limited to, Ex Libris Alma, LOCKSS, the cloud, or other classroom system such as Blackboard.
- Sharing your login with others.
- Sharing our translations with others.
- Posting our content on sites such as Course Hero or Scribd; posting our content on publicly accessible websites; or posting our content on secured areas (such as, but not limited to, the cloud, internal file servers or intranets) other than ipasource.com.
- For universities – allowing unauthorized users to access our material or improper interlibrary loans (see below). Check our terms and conditions for the definition of authorized users.
- Creation of derivative works from our content, such as for course packs, syllabi, research papers or course projects.
- Reselling our content in any fashion for any purpose.
Ask us for permission first!
Section 107 of the Copyright Act gives examples of purposes that are favored by Fair Use, however use for one of these purposes is not automatically fair. It’s important to note that unauthorized copying and distribution of our materials, even under the guise of Fair Use, is illegal and harmful. We encourage you to respect copyright laws and obtain appropriate permission for any use of our materials. Contact us to ask before using our materials without permission.
For university libraries performing interlibrary loans
Legitimate interlibrary loans may only be made in physical (printed) format. Digital transfer should not be allowed. All copies must be destroyed and never be given to a third party.
We mean it – ask us for permission first!
We take copyright violation very seriously and we actively monitor for misuse of our materials. Violating our copyright for any reason, including under the guise of Fair Use, may result in your individual or institutional subscription being immediately deactivated. Violators may also be subject to legal action.
- Report Piracy: If you encounter any unauthorized use of our materials, please report it to us immediately.
- Support Legitimate Access: Encourage users to purchase licenses or subscriptions to access our materials legally.
Piracy is not a victimless crime. It undermines our ability to provide you with high-quality content by depriving us of the revenue needed to support our operations. We encourage you to explore the many legitimate ways to access and enjoy our materials, such as through our subscription service or purchasing individual works.
Don’t steal the show. Respect the Source!
Thank you for your support of IPA Source.